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Sustainable Fashion Community

Kristiana Venturini


Ethical and sustainable fashion association

Kristiana Venturini

My name is Kristiana Venturini I am the president of the Ethical and Sustainable Fashion Association.


It is a great pleasure for me that you have come this far. Let me introduce to you the Association in more detailed way, sharing with you also our goals.


Sustainable Ethical Fashion: the name itself reveals the area in which we operate.
Our main goal is to share the sustainable lifestyle.


First of all: what is Sustainability?

I am sure you have heard this word many times lately, but I am equally sure that some of you have not yet understood what it really is. I can tell you that sustainability is a bit like happiness: everyone is talking about it, everyone is looking for it but only few has understood how to reach it. Somebody says that to be Sustainable you must necessarily make sacrifices, others argue that it takes commitment and those who argue that habits must be changed: buy less, travel less ...


It is not true! This is absolutely not true, because True sustainability is Wellbeing.

Sustainability means traveling, living experiences, enjoying good food and dressing consciously.

True sustainability is based on 3 pillars:  Environment, People, Profit. The perfect formula is right Balance between these. Living in harmony with the environment, protecting animals, creating wellbeing and being financially healthy.


"Sustainability is collective well-being in the long-term"


Who talks about sustainability in order to make you feel guilty about the past, to create distress and fear for the future has not yet understood that the only way to make a difference is to approach sustainability as life itself, living the present with serenity, trust and love.


So if I had to tell you in a single sentence what is the goal of our Association I would say:  Share Love! self love, love for the Environment, Nature, Animals, for our Children, for the World ...  

basically, Love for Life.


Our Association wants to create a contact with people who have the same values as you, who already know that to create Wellbeing it is necessary to work in a group, helping each other, sharing the experiences: not only by advising but above all by encouraging. If you recognized yourself in my words, this is the right invitation for you!


Join our Sustainable Fashion Community
You will find people who like you want to start,

deepen and share their path towards a sustainable lifestyle.

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